Thursday, October 22, 2009

I love cream cheese!

I do love cream cheese & my thighs know it. I have already posted my favorite cream cheese & chicken meal- which I try to only make once every few months. I eat it plain on bagels or crackers. My husband had this huge king mackeral that he made dip out of that was really good. I use it to make fruit pizza, many dips... I really try to take it easy with the cream cheese! My friend Beth told me that she was just playing around in the kitchen & made a dip that the children over at her house wouldn't stop eating. That one is very simple, so I will put that on here. I made it & thought that it was pretty good to be sooo simple.

Take a block of cream cheese & mix in one small devilled chicken from the can.
That's all.
I told her that I could get more chicken from the chicken of the sea can, but she said that it needed to be the one that is devilled, where the can is wrapped in the paper. I just can't remember the name of it now. They are small cans.

I mentioned the fruit pizza above, I will write the recipe for that as well because it is very easy. I went to my mothers once & my brother brought one over. It was so pretty. I have heard others say that they make them different & I am not sure that I even make mine like he (or his wife) does but this is how I do it.

Pillsbury sugar cookie dough in the can. I spread it on a pizza pan & flatten it like pizza dough. I mix a block of cream cheese with sugar. I can't really say how much sugar. I think it is 1/2 cup but that is according to taste. Spread on the cooled cookie dough after it has baked until golden (follow pkg. directions on the cookie dough) Slice whatever fruit that you like & arrange it on top of the cream cheese/sugar mixture. I usually slice kiwi, strawberry & sprinkle blueberries on top. I sprinkle more sugar on top of the fruit. Refridgerate until ready to eat. Slice it like you would slice a pizza.

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