Thursday, May 18, 2017

Update on Smoothies

Things sure have changed in the way that I make my basic smoothie. I still try to have one each day. Sometimes I might run out of something & use something in its placentirety, but here is my basic recipe lately of what I like to keep stocked up on. Note: I do have a big blender. Fruit smoothie 1/2 cup strawberries 1 cup blueberries 3 basil leaves 1 banana 1 avacado 1/2 cup baby spinach 1 tbs hemp protein 1/2 tbs turmeric powder 1/2 tsp pepper About 25 Oz coconut water 1/2 cup kefir Tbs honey yogurt 2 tbs coconut flakes unsweetened 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp sea buckthorn (solaray) with goji, lychee, aloe + Mix, pour, drink. Sometimes I will substitute the strawberries for other mixed frozen fruits. I don't always have the seabuckthorn liquid, when I don't, I'll use a little more turmeric. I don't know for a fact, but I think sea buckthorn and turmeric are both blood thinners. So, if both are used..use less of each, or one or the other. I don't take aspirin on the days that I use these in my smoothie, so you shouldn't either.😊